Climate targets
Scan Sverige har som mål att uppnå netto noll klimatavtryck i företagets egen produktion i slutet av 2025 och att uppnå netto noll klimatavtryck för hela värdekedjan, från gård till konsument, senast i slutet av 2040.
Målet för Scan Sverige är att nå nettonoll utsläpp av växthusgaser till 2025, jämfört med 2003. Målet är satt i absoluta tal och inkluderar utsläpp i scope 1, scope 2 och tjänsteresor, inköpta intransporter samt produktion och distribution av energi- och fordonsbränslen i scope 3.
Under 2019 startade vi Gårdsinitiativet – ett av våra viktigaste projekt för att kunna nå 2040-målet. Målet med Gårdsinitiativet är att minska klimatutsläppet från kött med 20 procent, öka arealer som gynnar biologisk mångfald med 5 procent och minska övergödning med 20 procent, som ett snitt för alla våra leverantörer av kött till 2030 (basår 2019).
How will we reach our targets?
In our own production, we are working continuously to reduce the energy and water consumption as well as reduce the amount of waste. When it comes to transportation, we are working towards 100 % renewable fuels. The use of less and better plastic in our packaging and continuous reduction of food waste though a nose-to-tail strategy where all parts of the animal come to use, are some other examples.
On the road towards 2025 and 2040 Zero Carbon targets, we have set the following sub goals: fossil fuel free transports in 2025, food waste reduced by half in 2030 and more recyclable packaging in 2025.
A crucial step for us is to include our suppliers, the farms, in our sustainability work. With the help of Gårdsinitiativet, our goal is to create climate positive effects on a farm level as well as reduce the climate impact of Swedish meat with the help of 100 initiatives, in close collaboration with the farms. In addition, our ambition is to achieve a positive effect on biodiversity as well as working towards a closed cycle on the farms.
Sustainability work has been an important part of our business since the beginning of the 2000s and we are well on our way to achieving a net zero climate footprint from our own production. But in order to have a real effect on the climate impact of meat production, the entire value chain must be covered. Our efforts as a leading player in the industry are crucial for its success and our goal is a net zero climate footprint, from farm to consumer, by the end of 2040. We achieve this through development work and concrete efforts in the industry and within the framework of our "Farm Initiative". We also want to make visible all the benefits that animal production contributes, such as biodiversity and the production of renewable energy.