It is clear that business is willing to take the lead on the climate policies. 80 companies and municipalities have already signed the call urging the EU to raise its ambition for reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement. New supporters can still join the call and together influence the EU’s future climate goals. Sign up today!
The EU’s long-term climate goals are currently being revised. In the light of the IPCC-report that emphasizes the urge of a faster transformation, the EU’s new goals should be far more ambitious. In order to maintain the 1,5-degree limit, we need clear and progressive climate goals that will help us reach net zero emissions by 2050. We will never be able to reach the goals unless the current politics change. The European Commission’s proposition will be published on November 28th, which means that we can still influence its decision. The Haga Initiaitve, the Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC) and other organizations have launched a call urging the EU to:
195 countries signing the Paris Agreement was a historic event that defined a new constructive political course. Today the business sector has a unique opportunity to demand that the European Commission’s long-term strategy ensures that the EU fulfills its commitment stated in the Agreement, and that climate-related policies and tools develop in the same direction. Meanwhile, the business sector benefits from an effective climate transformation, and, as the Haga Initiative’s experience demonstrates, there is a clear link between reduced emissions and profitability.
Since its launch in June 2018, the call has got 80 supporters – companies and cities, including SEB, Unilever, Stora Enso and the city of Stockholm. The word about the call is spreading quickly. Nordic organizations are in a favorable position to be at the forefront and lead the way for the rest of Europe.
During the coming few weeks, European stakeholders have a unique opportunity to shape our future climate goals. This way, they can create a solid foundation for their future investments. That is why we urge companies, cities and regions to join the call, raise the pace of the climate transformation and, at the same time, increase profitability.
The strategic long-term vision by the European Commission enables ambitious climate targets, read more here >>