The Haga Initiative’s greenhouse gas emission disclosure 2022 shows that emissions are decreasing

2022 was characterized by unrest, through extreme weather, leaving the pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. This unrest affects businesses value chains, and thus the Haga Initiative’s greenhouse gas emission disclosure 2022. Despite this, the Haga Initiative’s greenhouse gas emission disclosure 2022 shows that member companies’ collected emission continues to decrease.

The Haga Initiative is a business network that strives to reduce the business sector’s climate impact. The Haga Initiative consists of 13 member companies that together represents more than seven percent of Sweden’s GDP.

Leading by example, the Haga Initiative encourages all businesses to 1) adopt the goal of halving greenhouse gas emission within 10 years, 2) implement strategies, plans and activities that achieve the goal, and 3) transparently and regularly report impact and actions.

In Haga Initiative’s greenhouse gas emission disclosure 2022, the member companies report that emissions continue to decrease in line with Haga Initiative’s climate goal for 2030 – to achieve net zero or halve emissions (compared to 2020). Compared with the companies’ chosen base year, nine companies have reduced their emissions while emissions have increased for two companies. The other two companies have 2022 as base year and therefore lack a comparison. Compared to 2021, three companies have reduced their emissions while those of ten companies increased. This increase is mainly due to the return to normal business operations after the pandemic.

– Five years ago, we set up a strategy to stay below 1.5 degrees of warming. We knew already then that it challenged our member companies and us as leaders. The current global unrest challenges our plans, but we must stay on track towards our climate goals, says Nina Ekelund, Executive Director for Haga Initiative.

This year’s greenhouse gas disclosure is the second in which the Haga Initiative’s member companies report their value chain (Scope 3). Because there are gaps in the reporting, the companies report how much of the value chain is included. They also highlight the difficulties and challenges involved in including all emissions in the value chain.

The challenges to solving the climate threat are extensive. Responsibility in business therefore needs to be met by policies that support the transition. An improved innovation climate, a favourable and stable environment for necessary investments and a long-term and effective climate policy are required. In addition, increased collaboration is required, both upstream and downstream in our value chains, says Nina Ekelund.

Read Haga Initiative’s greenhouse gas emission disclosure 2022.