Haga Initiative has interviewed Dr Fergus Green, lecturer in Political Theory & Public Policy in the Department of P...
Is Sweden becoming more circular? - Recently, energy has become more expensive. This means that the extraction of metals...
The Climate Policy Council states in its new report that existing policies are not enough to meet the target of net zero...
Why is European Green Deal important for business? - It’s the future direction for EU economy. It’s the new growth strat...
Tell us about the feeling at COP25, what are the expectations among the delegates? - The negotiations fell far short of ...
The Haga Initiative have interviewed Elina Bardram, Head of International Relations Unit, DG Clima, European Commission....
The Haga Initiative has interviewed Taalas about weather, climate, climate skepticism and what business can do to reduce...
What is your research about? - My research is about climate change and permafrost, which is ground in Arctic regions tha...
What do you do in your research? I am a geologist. By studying rocks, I learn about how and why Earth’s climate has chan...
Why is COP24 so important? - In Paris, the countries of the world made a conscious choice to initiate a transformation t...
Should we stop debating climate change and instead converse about the climate, or how do we take the matter forward? - ...
What are you most satisfied with so far during your period as a climate commissioner? - During the mandate of this Commi...
On the 12th–13th of June, EAT Stockhoms Food Forum is arranged for the fourth year in a row, what will you focus on this...
The Haga Initiative have interviewed Lord Nicholas Stern, author of the Stern Report, President of the British Academy; ...