About us
The Haga Initiative wants to prove that the business community is part of the solution in the transformation to a low-carbon society. Climate responsibility is inherent in our societal responsibility, and therefore, we push for more ambitious climate policy to enable companies to work more effectively with their climate responsibility.
The Haga Initiative is a business network that strives to reduce the business sector’s climate impact. We are a platform for companies who are committed to reduce their climate impact in order to achieve the Haga Initiative’s vision of a profitable business sector without climate impact. The way forward for the Haga Initiative is to engage companies from different industries and highlight the ween ambitious climate strategies and increased profitability.
At the same time, the companies in the Haga Initiative show that an effective work with climate responsibility creates concrete economic advantages. Therefore, the Haga Initiative wants to inspire other companies to set stricter emission targets and openly and transparently disclose their climate efforts through annual climate reports.
What do we want to achieve? A profitable business sector in Sweden, Europe and the world that takes environmental and climate issues seriously and that has identified the inherent possibilities in the climate transformation. A sector with companies that inspire and reinforce each other and that cooperate with politicians, academia and the civil society searching for answers to the pivotal questions that need to be addressed in order to achieve a society where the major climate problems are solved.
The Haga Initiative was founded at the end of 2010. The networks consists of Axfood, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, Folksam, JM, Lantmännen, Löfbergs, McDonald’s Sverige, Preem, Scan Sverige, Stena Recycling, and Swedbank.
Our strategy
The Haga Initiative strives towards a profitable business sector without climate impact.
Members of the Haga Initiative act together to create the business conditions needed to reach this goal. Members act as climate action role models within their respective business sectors.
The Haga Initiative operates in the business sector. The network cooperates with politicians and policymakers to improve the prerequisites for increased climate effort in business.
Climate targets
The Haga Initiative member companies have decided to become fossil free within their own operations by 2030. The new targets imply that the members of the initiative will reach zero emissions 15 years before the time frame of the Swedish government’s climate goals. The ambition is to show that Swedish companies can reduce their climate impact while increasing profitability and creating job opportunities, thus contributing to improved welfare.
Become a member
Would you like to become a member of one of the most influential climate networks in the Nordics? The Haga Initiative was established more than ten years ago. We connect sectors and show the business benefits and possibilities of climate action.
The Haga Initiatives vision is “a profitable business sector without climate impact” .