Our strategy
Our vision and activities
The Haga initiative's vision is a profitable business sector without climate impact.
Members of the Haga Initiative act together to create the business conditions needed to reach this goal. Members act as climate action role models within their respective business sectors.
The Haga Initiative operates in the business sector. The network cooperates with politicians and policymakers to improve the prerequisites for increased climate effort in business.
1. The Haga Initiative shows how the business sector can contribute to the 1.5 degree goal
The Haga Initiative emphasizes clear business advantages through active climate effort. The member companies act as best practice and inspiring examples.
The Haga Initiative sets climate targets in line with the 1.5 degree target, and supports its members in making their value chains more climate efficient.
The Haga Initiative is primarily a climate responsibility network, but also supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that both impact and are impacted by climate-related issues.
The Haga Initiative members are committed to openly calculate and disclose their climate impact, and to be transparent about the reduction of their carbon emissions, which makes the Haga Initiative a credible network within the climate field.
The Haga Initiative proves that a climate neutral society is possible. Therefore, central business sectors for the transition are represented in the Haga Initiative through its member companies.
2. The Haga Initiative enables the alignment of the Swedish and international politics with the 1.5 degree goal
The Haga initiative is pushing for a more ambitious climate policy to increase opportunities in the transition for both companies and society.
The strategy was adopted in 2018.
The Haga Initiative was founded at the end of 2010. The network consists of: Axfood, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Sverige, Folksam, JM, Lantmännen, Löfbergs, McDonald’s Sverige, Preem, Stena Recycling and Övik Energi.
“A profitable business sector without climate impact” is the Haga Initiative's vision.
Climate targets
The Haga Initiative member companies have decided to become fossil free within their own operations by 2030. The new targets imply that the members of the initiative will reach zero emissions 15 years before the time frame of the Swedish government’s climate goals. The ambition is to show that Swedish companies can reduce their climate impact while increasing profitability and creating job opportunities, thus contributing to improved welfare.