Climate targets

When the Haga Initiative was established at the end of 2010, the member companies agreed on a common climate goal to reduce emissions by at least 40 per cent by 2020. The Haga Initiative's goal for 2030 is to achieve net zero or halving emissions (compared to 2020) every ten years.

The Haga Initiative's goals for 2030

In the spring of 2017, the Haga Initiative decided on new targets for 2030. The Environmental Targets Committee had then come up with a proposal to the government that emissions in Sweden should be net-zero by 2045, i.e. 85 percent reduction in Sweden and the remaining 15 percent can be done with emission reductions abroad. We then chose to have our goals in line with the government's goals but with a more ambitious timetable. We want to reduce our emissions to net zero by 2030, i.e. at least an 85 percent reduction.


The Haga Initiative’s goal of zero net emissions by 2030 requires both a more ambitious climate policy from the Swedish government aligned with the European Union´s climate policy, and a more rigid framework for the emission trading system (EU-ETS). Sweden can be leading in the global transition to a fossil-free society only if the basic industry remains within the country. Therefore, measures to reduce emissions from the domestic industry are required. Sweden can show the rest of the world that the transition is possible through energy efficiency, conversion to renewable energy sources and green technology development.

The Haga Initiative's climate target compared to the Swedish climate target

Sveriges mål omfattar utsläpp inom landets geografiska område. Hagainitiativets mål omfattar egna utsläpp. I målet ingår också att inköpt energi ska vara fossilfri och utsläppen i scope 3 ska minskas med minst 30 procent. Läs mer i vår scope 3 report here

Exeption from net zero in scope 1

If emission reductions in scope 1 worsen the conditions for reducing emissions in scope 3, the goal can be achieved by reducing emissions in scope 3 instead. The emission reductions must be at least as 85 percent of the scope 1 emissions.


The Haga Initiative was founded at the end of 2010. The network consists of: Axfood, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Sverige, Folksam, JM, Lantmännen, Löfbergs, McDonald’s Sverige, Preem, Scan Sverige, Stena Recycling, Swedbank and Övik Energi. 

Bn SEK revenue
1,4 Mton CO2e emissions reduction

Our strategy

Hagainitiativet jobbar efter visionen om ett lönsamt näringsliv utan klimatpåverkan. Medlemmarna i Hagainitiativet agerar för att tillsammans skapa affärsförutsättningar för detta. Medlemmarna agerar förebilder i klimatfrågan för övriga näringslivet.

The Haga Initiative operates in the business sector. The network cooperates with politicians and policymakers to improve the prerequisites for increased climate effort in business.


“A profitable business sector without climate impact” is the Haga Initiative's vision.