Led by Skift.
In order to become the most sustainable and competitive region in the world, the Nordic countries must cooperate to become a testbed for new technology, innovations, and business models. There are several innovative development projects underway in the Nordic region, for example carbon capture and storage in the North Sea, the “HYBRIT” project on fossil-free steel production, and the “Solein-protein” produced by Solar Foods in Finland. With knowledge and incentives for higher demand it is possible to scale up these innovative projects into markets.
The Nordic Innovation Power project aims at facilitating the upscaling of green technology
in the Nordic countries by arranging joint visits to relevant facilities where Nordic politicians and the Nordic business community meet and discuss what policy changes are needed. The outcome of the meetings can, among other things, identify new collaborators and contribute to a more accurate picture of how businesses transform and how innovations are scalable. It should also contribute to understanding what political measures are needed to strengthen Nordic innovation power.
I december 2021 faciliterades ett möte för att diskutera möjligheterna att skala upp koldioxidavskiljning och lagringsteknik på avfallshanteringsanläggningar i Norden. Insikterna från webbinariet har sammanfattats i ett policydokument. Läs Policy recommendations: Carbon capture and storage on waste incineration från 2021 here.
In October 2022, a webinar was arranged, "CO2" removal: Nordic innovation power, with participation from Nordic decision-makers. The webinar highlighted various carbon dioxide reduction projects in the Nordic countries with discussions on what policy changes are needed to quickly scale up negative emission technologies.
De nordiska ländernas ambitioner, status och styrkor när det gäller negativa utsläpp lyftes, tillsammans med möjligheterna med gränsöverskridande lärande och sätt att samarbeta berördes också. Insikterna från webbinariet sammanfattas i ett policydokument. Läs Policy paper: CO2-removal in the Nordic countries från 2022 here.
Läs policypappret Nordic Perspectives: Navigating the Voluntary Carbon Removal Market från 2023 here.
Läs policypappret Carbon Dioxide Removal in the Nordic Countries: A Status Report here.