Vår organisation

Hagainitiativet är ett företagsnätverk som visar klimatledarskap i näringslivet. Visionen är ett lönsamt näringsliv utan klimatpåverkan. Namnet Hagainitiativet ägs av företagen genom Hagainitiativets ekonomiska förening. I styrelsen för den ekonomiska föreningen ingår företagen som är medlemmar i nätverket. Verksamheten och driften sker i nätverksgruppen Hagainitiativet där alla företagen träffas löpande. Arbete med att ta fram underlag och driva arbetet sker på kansliet, och leds av generalsekreteraren


The Haga Initiative was founded at the end of 2010. The network consists of Axfood, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Sverige, Folksam, JM, Lantmännen, Löfbergs, McDonald’s Sverige, Preem, Scan Sverige, Stena Recycling, Swedbank and Övik Energi.

Bn SEK revenue
1,4 Mton CO2e emissions reduction

Our strategy

The Haga Initiative strives towards a profitable business sector without climate impact.
Members of the Haga Initiative act together to create the business conditions needed to reach this goal. Members act as climate action role models within their respective business sectors.

The Haga Initiative operates in the business sector. The network cooperates with politicians and policymakers to improve the prerequisites for increased climate effort in business.

Climate targets

The Haga Initiative member companies have decided to become fossil free within their own operations by 2030. The new targets imply that the members of the initiative will reach zero emissions 15 years before the time frame of the Swedish government’s climate goals. The ambition is to show that Swedish companies can reduce their climate impact while increasing profitability and creating job opportunities, thus contributing to improved welfare.

Become a member

Would you like to become a member of one of the most influential climate networks in the Nordics? The Haga Initiative was established more than ten years ago. We connect sectors and show the business benefits and possibilities of climate action.


“A profitable business sector without climate impact” is the Haga Initiative's vision.
