100. Sekab offers bio-based chemicals to transform a fossil-dependent chemical industry

Ninety-six per cent of everything manufactured requires chemicals, from paint and clothing to toys and food packaging. Most of these chemicals are produced from fossil raw materials. Sekab provides fossil-free alternatives and leads the way toward a sustainable chemical industry by producing bio-based chemicals for industrial use. They use bio-based raw materials, some of which are by-products from the nearby Domsjö Fabriker.

The production process is fossil-free, powered by renewable electricity and steam from Övik Energi. Sekab also captures and reuses its own production off-gases. They have set a goal to reach net-zero emissions within Scope 1 and 2 by 2030, a target they have already achieved this year. However, their greatest contribution to climate transformation is helping other companies reduce their emissions by offering bio-based chemicals as an alternative to fossil-based ones.

Read more here.