Emissions decrease while profitability increase

The ninth climate disclosure by the Haga Initiative is presented today, June 30. It shows that 11 of 12 member companies have reached the climate target by 2020, which is one year faster than planned. Altogether, the companies of the Haga Initiative have reduced their own emissions by 1.5 million tonnes of CO2e since they started measuring. This can be compared with Sweden’s total emissions of about 53 million tonnes.

Direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1) decreased by 22 percent, corresponding to 700,000 tonnes compared to 2018. All member companies reduce their emissions in scope 1, while one company increases its emissions within Hagascopet measuring scope 1, 2 and business trips in scope 3. The decrease can be attributed to shutdowns of fossil electricity and heat production, downtime, efficiency improvements in transport and own processes.

– Ten years with transparent climate targets and annual reports gives us the clear message that ambitious climate efforts are profitable. It is positive for funding and to attract the very best employees, says Nina Ekelund, Executive Director for the Haga Initiative.

Several powerful measures have been implemented during 2019. The measures are primarily aimed at phasing out fossil fuels in companies’ processes and transport. Another important measure is research and development to capture and store carbon dioxide in different ways. We also see the development of measures to reduce the need for primary resources, such as energy efficiency and process optimization, as well as more sustainable management of materials and resources. Companies also report on stricter business travel policies as well as better digital alternatives to meetings, which has mainly led to reduced air travels. We also see a positive trend of collaboration and joint initiatives.

– While the results are great, we need to increase our efforts every year. Halving the emissions every decade means an annual decrease with 7 percent from 2020, according to the Global Carbon Law. The Haga Initiative has set an 85 percent reduction by 2030, to reach this would require an annual decrease with 12 percent for all years until 2030, ends Nina Ekelund.

Read the entire report here

Press contacts:
Nina Ekelund, Executive Director, Haga Initiative, +46 735 022 464

Deniz Butros, Strategist, Haga Initiative, +46 764 271 580