In 2024 will the EU Commission leave a proposal on 2040’s climate target, the level of ambition is important. The Haga Initiative has submitted its response to the ”Public consultation on EU’s climate target for 2040”. We write the following:
Haga Initiative’s response to the consultation on
EU’s climate targets 2040
The Haga Initiative is a Swedish business network working to reduce the climate impact of the business sector. Thirteen companies from various industries are members of the Haga Initiative. The combined annual turnover of these thirteen companies accounts for approximately 7 percent of Sweden’s GDP.
1. It is important that the EU’s climate targets for 2040 contribute to keeping global warming
below 1.5 degrees Celsius
For every tenth of a degree that the global warming increases, the difficulties in reducing emissions grow, societal costs rise, and the need for climate adaptation increases. To ensure a just world on a safe planet, new research shows that the warming should not exceed one degree. Therefore, it is crucial for the EU to set a target that contributes to limiting the warming to 1.5 degrees.
2. The emissions reduction target for 2040 should be 90–95 percent compared to 1990 levels
Emissions reductions of 90–95 percent by 2040 are based on scientific research that considers both fairness and feasibility.
European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (ESBACC): -90% to -95%
Climact (ECF and Strategic Perspectives) – model of three net scenarios: -85%, -90%, and -95%
EU Gas Exit Pathway (Agora Energiewende in collaboration with Artelys, TEP Energy, and Wuppertal Institute) – 90%
Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) scenarios for EU Energy Infrastructure (CAN Europe) -100%
Clever scenario (negaWatt Association in collaboration with multiple partners across Europe) -92%
3. The EU should set three separate targets for negative emissions: an overarching target, a nature-based target, and a technological target
The EU’s climate targets should be separate for emissions reductions and negative emissions. Therefore, the EU should set targets that increase transparency and accountability by clarifying the assumption that we will rely on negative emissions. This includes an overarching target for negative emissions, a target for nature-based carbon capture, and a target for technological negative emissions. It is crucial to maintain the pace of emissions reductions.
4. Multiple benefits of 2040 targets
There are several benefits to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and natural resources, including improved human health, better air quality, reduced water stress, and enhanced nature conservation. The EU needs to consider the synergies between climate, the environment, and biodiversity
5. Strengthens jobs and competitiveness
An ambitious 2040 agenda goes hand in hand with the Net Zero Industry Act, which should be seen as a steppingstone to reducing emissions and utilizing the competitive advantages that can be achieved from technologies contributing to climate change mitigation in the coming decades. This strengthens competitiveness, secures jobs, and creates new ones in the green transition.
Read more about it here on Aktuell Hållbarhet.